Friday, September 12, 2008

Is the world's biggest celebrity ready to lead?

So tell me, John McCain: is the world's biggest celebrity ready to lead? It's a question you and your campaign have been asking over the past few months. But I think at this point, you ought to provide an answer.

Is someone whose resume is consists largely of raising a family ready to affect national policy? Does placing as a runner-up in a beauty pageant qualify one to be second-in-line for the Commander in Chief position? Does being mayor of a town of 6300 ready one to lead--should the need arise--a country of over 300,000,000?

Oh, I'm sorry, Senator McCain... did you think I was talking about someone else? After all, not too long ago, you were running ads criticizing your rival, Barack Obama, for being too much of a celebrity. Well, now you've chosen a heck of a celebrity as your own running mate. So the question is... do you dare continuing to run your ads asking whether the world's biggest celebrity is ready to lead? Because a lot of Americans are looking at Sarah Palin and answering with a resounding No, she is not!

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